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Space Education Summit


August 17, 2024 | Trinity Anglican School

UPDATE: This event has been CANCELED due to low registration numbers. Please reach out to if you are interested in bringing a Space Education Summit to your school.


Increase Student Engagement

According to an independent study 93% of students are excited about space!*


Engage students by connecting with their excitement about space! And.. reinvigorate your own love of teaching with a focus on a hopeful future.


The Space Education Summit features an opening panel with astronauts, four concurrent breakout sessions exploring multiple topics, and a closing capstone session. Learn why developments in space are important to people on Earth, what's happening today in the commercial space economy, and how students can best prepare for humanity's multiplanet future.


Sessions include not just space science and the history of space exploration, but also an introduction to the skill sets and mindsets students will need to be successful in a fast moving unpredictable future... including the Explorer's Mindset, Moonshot Thinking, and Design Methods. The event also introduces elements of space philosophy that are important to everyone, including matters of ethics, governance, and sustainability.


You don’t have to be a science teacher… space education helps students meet the standards whatever your grade level or subject area. Your students don’t have to be STEM enthusiasts either… space is for everyone, even artists and athletes. The space economy is booming and you can help your students prepare to be part of humanity’s future in space, whatever their passions and strengths.


You may not be confident about talking to your students about space... but this event is designed to raise your awareness of what’s possible, and to empower you with the resources and proven methods you need to inspire students.

Early bird tickets will run out soon, so take a few minutes to register now.
Then share the event with your friends and colleagues!



The Cairns Space Education Summit is hosted by Trinity Anglican School! Visiting this spectacular school is a big part of the summit experience.

Principal Paul Sjogren welcomes you to Trinity Anglican School. Over the past 40 years, TAS has built a strong reputation for academic excellence, community spirit, outstanding pastoral care and support for personal growth. Since its foundation, TAS has continued to be one of the highest-ranked schools in Queensland and was recently named a finalist in two prestigious categories of the Australian Education Awards.

They continually strive to be innovators and early adopters, in order to enhance the educational experience of their students. TAS has built a reputation for academic excellence through a program that both caters for and extends a wide range of student interests and abilities.


Trinity Anglican School is a beautiful location for learning.
Don't miss this opportunity to meet on campus with a community of like minded educators!

The summit is well aligned with Australian Curriculum Standards, including Earth & space science, nature & development of science, and use & influence of science. Connections to language arts, mathematics, and social science are also clear. Learn to integrate space systems,  engineering practices, and applications of science into cross-disciplinary projects.

Conference Benefits:


  • Engage Students Through Their Natural Love of Space

  • Help Students Develop Skill Sets and Mindsets for Success

  • Prepare Students for The Growing Space Economy

  • Address Standards Across The Curriculum with Space Focused Activities

  • Connect With a Global Community of Space Educators


Representative Session Topics:


  • Why Space Education

  • Introduction to Space Science

  • History of Space Exploration

  • Multidisciplinary Methods

  • The Explorer’s Mindset

  • Moonshot Thinking

  • Design Thinking

  • Synthesis, Collaboration, and Reflection

  • Education on The Moon, Mars, and Deep Space Habitats

  • Space Philosophy: Ethics, Governance, and Sustainability

  • Avoiding Existential Threats and Achieving Higher Aspirations

  • Action Research Relevant to You!


What’s Included:


  • Space Education: Preparing Students for Humanity’s Multi-planet Future (2022)

  • Complete Space Education Curriculum

  • Discussion Prompts, Activities, and Design Challenges to Use With Students

  • Hundreds of Curated Space Education Resources

  • Access to a Global Network of Space Educators

Today's second graders will graduate into a world where humanity has a permanent presence on the Moon, humans have landed on Mars, and multiple commercial space stations are in operation! What are you doing to prepare your students?


Time is short to register for this event...


Aug 17, 2024, 8:00 AM GMT+10
Trinity Anglican School
Increase student engagement by tapping into excitement about space! Prepare students for the growing space economy - and humanity's rapidly approaching multiplanet future. Leave with resources and activities you can use to meet standards across the curriculum.

* Unistellar commissioned Wakefield Research to survey 500 nationally representative U.S. parents of children ages 7-14. Results.

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